Friday, July 20, 2012

My day.

"I'm sad."' is an overly used saying in my book. I tend to not control how negative I feel and I often take it out on my boyfriend. Which makes the situation ten times worse especially when it leads to fighting. Ugh, I honestly think I need help or something. But, yet I can just solve it by someone making me laugh or a walk to the park. I seriously need to go to the doctor it's been going on for about more than a year and almost 6 months now.
Today's show was supposed to be fun. But, due to Luis's crappy phone company, he never got my texts so my little surprise (In which I was going to surprise him by showing up to the show even though I said I wasn't going) went horrible because, right when I got there he tells me "My mom is on the way." 
I dig the bands but, under my condition I couldn't stand to be there practically alone. People were staring at me like I was wearing a hat that says "LOOK AT THIS DERP" (By the way I testing out my old high waisted shorts and they make my butt look weird so, NEVER again, phahaha.) and I couldn't stand the big guy next to me giving me this stare and constantly asking me "Are you okay?" whenever he'd bump into me by accident. 
His facial expression

So I rode the bus downtown and found my bus home.
I love staring outside of windows when ever I am listening to music. It makes it seem like I'm in a music video literally.

And also I am fed up with my social accounts for example:
Facebook: I have over 3k + and subscribers. What the hell are they going to subscribe to a 16 year old for?
I don't post those "Like this IF" photos or the wanna be peda commercial stuff like how is a like on  Facebook going to feed a baby from Africa?! (Not deliberately saying people from Africa are from peda but, ya catch my drift.)
Twitter: Well I wanted to delete some tweets that needed to go. Too many to count anyways.
Tumblr: I need some time away from that forsure, and plus I can't REALLY blog about my life and such on there.
It's getting too ridiculous. And so, I deleted all my accounts. 
So here I am on the only social website (Besides Youtube) at 2:54 am. In bed with Kip.

He just fell asleep in the cutest position on my bed. c':

Op. I need sleep.


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